söndag 13 december 2009

Release me!

Pain is runnin through my veins.
My soul are tortured.

I need to scream desperately but I can't,
My voice are gone.

So I cry nonstop when no one hear.

Im not capable to show anyone or let go of my pain, when there is no understanding for it anyway.

Cause when I try´d,
I scare people.

I guess am extreme.
So I put on my fake smile again,
don't ask for to much, laugh loudly and make fun of myself.
Take big riskes when no one notice, to make me feel alive and remember why I have a reazon to live.
But secrety,
I hope some big risk,
some day will put an end to it all.

Then my pain will be gone,
my tortured soul free and the people around me can go on
without a clue.

But offcourse, if I can find happyness,
love and the feeling of release to make me feel free and wild as the wind.
I perhaps could appreciate and enjoy life again,
with curiosity of whats ahead off me in the future.

Set me free,
like the wind,
dancing in the sky with no
Like the wave,
in the ocean to play with strength and fearless movement.

Like an animal,
runnin as fast as it possibly can on an opend meadow.

Like a flower,
thats slowly opends with no stress to show the world it´s bright colours.

Like music,
to sound as it pleases to bring fored all the deepest
feelings in all off us.
Like love,
to be the brightest most wonderful, beautiful, important thing to someone there possibly can be.

Like safety,
to let go and fall
without worring of what happends next,
to just enjoy the wind through your hair and how it touches your skin.

Release me...
Set me free...
Give me the freedom I
desperately need!

But no,
I know you won´t.
You will put bigger chains on my body,
revise me from head to toe and everything I do.
Laugh at my face and watch me fail.

Am begging for strength,
may this be the last test.

Release me...
Set me free...
Give me the freedom I
desperately need!

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